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Vegan means that the restaurant is completely vegan or has some vegan choices.
$=less than 1,000yen $$= 1,000yen - 3,000yen
$$$=3,000yen-5,000yen $$$$= more than 5,000yen

Bon (Iriya)
Buddhist Vegan $$$$

1-2-11, Ryusen, Taito-ku

12:00-15:00 (L.O. 13:30), 17:00-21:00 (L.O. 19:00)
12:00-20:00 (L.O. 18:00) (Saturday, Sunday, and holidays)
Closed Tuesday.

Reservation recommended.

Course: 7,000yen, 10,000yen

They serve FUCHA ryori cuisine that is originated from OHBAKU Zen Buddhist temples. Different from other Zen Buddhist cuizine such as SOTOH, FUCHA is strongly influenced by Chinese way of cooking, though its beautiful presentation is Japanese style.

Copyright (C) 2002 Hiroko Kato, Tomoko Kinukawa(designer).All rights reserved.